"Life is more fun when we feel good!"
Tui Na and Cupping
Some Tui Na and cupping is incorporated into most treatments because there is no substitute for good tissue manipulation. This helps rejuvenate your senses as well as relax and invigorate your body. When we are relaxed we tend to make healthier choices resulting in a healthier lifestyle.

Tai Chi and Meditation
Tai Chi and meditation are perhaps the most profound practices one can implement on a regular basis while pursuing better health, more creativity, and a higher level of consciousness. Personally, I have never seen anything else that even comes close to benefiting our health as much as these practices. A regular tai chi and meditation practice will undoubtedly improve every area of your life. Private and group classes are available.
Skype Consultations
Distal consultations are available if you live outside of Los Angeles, California, or Greensboro, North Carolina. This type of session is perfect for those interested in the "Natural Testosterone Increasing Protocol" or private meditation instructions.